Who better to model the black rayon crepe strappy bodice with electric blue silk palazzo pant than Misha Parkosz who poses for all of Vena Cava's look books? Though she certainly knows her way around this collection, New York is newer to her, as this is her first Fashion Week in the city! The 21-year-old Polish model had her schedule and a map close by since she had to run over to Industria to .... Beach Vacation? Model tips and tricks to looking bikini ready year round ...
Policjanci z Komisariatu w Pilźnie pracują na miejscu wypadku drogowego, do którego doszło dzisiaj w Parkoszu około godz. 7.30. Jedna osoba trafiła do szpitala. Wstępnie policjanci ustalili, że 62-letni mieszkaniec powiatu dębickiego ...